0492 863 715 | Dazzle Dental - Official distributor in Australia sales@dazzledental.com.au

Medit i500 Intraoral Scanner – Value, Efficiency, and Productivity

Save money, time, and materials

Low inputs throughout the machine life cycle and no necessity for mold materials or powder in most cases are among the ways savings are achieved when using the i500. Furthermore, high accuracy and precision coupled with intelligent scan recognition and fast scan speed will reduce chair time significantly.

Experience convenience

Our intraoral scanner is an absolute lightweight which reduces the required effort when scanning for extended periods. The single button control allows you to start and stop the scanning process while holding the device easily. Additionally, you will be able to monitor captured 3D in-motion images on the screen next to you throughout the task. Another factor for increased convenience is the small tip for optimized patient comfort.

Digital workflow

The i500 intraoral scanner is partnered with Medit Link, an integrated collaboration tool that allows fast and easy transfer of scan data to dental labs, effective communication and seamless workflows. Integrated cloud storage and open data architecture ensure optimized performance and a reduction of chances for human error while supporting your everyday CAD processes.



Medit Intraoral Scanner Delivers:

Value, Efficiency, and Productivity

Together, these three qualities make it easy to incorporate our intraoral scanner into your workflow. Designed with quality in mind, we created the i500 to add value to your practice. Regardless of specialization the i500 ensures that professional needs are met, workflows are optimized, and flexibility is guaranteed.


An open system for integrated CAD/CAM workflow allows for the export of STL files for easy file transfer and thus optimized collaboration

Impressive Speed

Intelligent scan-detecting algorithm with two high-speed cameras for quick and efficient intraoral scanning


No need for powder in most regular cases, allowing for a seamless scanning process and increased patient comfort

Small tip

Simpler maneuverability and improved patient comfort while scanning are the advantages of i500’s small tip
Single button control

No need to reach for the computer as the user can start, stop, and move to the next scanning stage by pressing a single button on the device

High resolution

Easy to locate margin lines and undercuts as well as distinction between tooth structure and soft tissue thanks to realistic high-resolution images

Vivid color

3D full color streaming capture for precise scans and detail-rich images

Video type

3D-in-motion video technology that allows for rapid video-based scans without worrying about choppy results


Our i500 intraoral scanner only weighs 280 grams and is exceptionally easy to hold, making the scanning process comfortable